This course highlights the Oregon IBRS RIMS Case Entry requirements and processing and submitting monthly files using RIMS Reports.
Oregon Incident-Based Reporting System Entry
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Oregon NIBRS Overview and Information
Oregon NIBRS Overview and Information
Lesson 1 of 2 within section Oregon NIBRS Overview and Information.
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Lesson 2 of 2 within section Oregon NIBRS Overview and Information.
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Oregon Case Entry for NIBRS
Lesson 1 of 7 within section Oregon Case Entry for NIBRS .
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Person Entry – Suspect/Arrested Persons
Lesson 2 of 7 within section Oregon Case Entry for NIBRS .
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Lesson 3 of 7 within section Oregon Case Entry for NIBRS .
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Lesson 4 of 7 within section Oregon Case Entry for NIBRS .
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Lesson 5 of 7 within section Oregon Case Entry for NIBRS .
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Oregon Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted Reporting
Lesson 6 of 7 within section Oregon Case Entry for NIBRS .
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Lesson 7 of 7 within section Oregon Case Entry for NIBRS .
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Submitting Monthly NIBRS Reports
Compiling Oregon NIBRS Reports
Lesson 1 of 2 within section Submitting Monthly NIBRS Reports.
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Submitting Oregon NIBRS Reports to the Oregon State Police
Lesson 2 of 2 within section Submitting Monthly NIBRS Reports.
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