RIPA/Stop Data Frequently Asked Questions

Can the officer clear the call without doing the stop data first?
Absolutely!  The stop data entry has no reliance on whether an incident is closed or not.  The officer can start the work in iRIMS or Mobile RIMS while the call is open or closed.

How do we handle a student at a school that isn’t listed for us to download, such as a private school?

That is a great question for DOJ.  You can ask that during one of their 4-hour webinars or send an email to

What do we do with a subject who refused to identify themselves?
When adding a person to an incident, there are two checkboxes:  Unknown or Refused.  The name is not required for you to enter.

What do we do with the stops from another agency we dispatch for who do not use our RIMS system?
They do have the option to use your license of RIMS to enter stop data if you allow them on your system. Otherwise, you would use the Switch Agencies button to select just your agency records.  In RIMS 28, there will be a checkbox that will state whether the agency collects stop data or not and that will not show their records on the Stop Data Log screens.

Will RIMS provide the RIPA reports and graphs to match what DOJ wants for their annual report in CA?
The data you collect and submit to DOJ will generate the reports at the State level.  However, we are planning to have reports built into RIMS Reports that will display common data, including charts for things like Perceived Race and Gender.  We are not proposing to replicate the RIPA report.

Is the Career Date pertaining to your agency or if they were Lateral when they were first sworn in at the agency?
It is the date they became a Peace Officer at their first agency.

For the UII (Unique Identifying Information), who creates this?
RIMS creates the unique ID that identifies the Officer/Deputy.  It is NOT their Badge ID, rather, an internal ID number generated by RIMS.

Does a stop record need to be completed for suicidal subjects and 5150?
That depends on if the officer detains or searches the individual.  If so, then yes, the stop data record exists.  We advise you to review the Stop Data law as well as attend one of the 4-hour DOJ webinars.

Is this enabled per user or for the agency?
Stop data collection is enabled for the entire system for all agencies in it.

For K-12 students, do we collect Stop Data for detained students during school hours?  On/Off campus?
We advise you to review the Stop Data law as well as attend one of the 4-hour DOJ webinars.

If an officer conducts a traffic stop and there are 4 occupants in the vehicle, is Stop Data required for each occupant?
That depends.  If the officer detains any of the occupants besides the driver, then yes, those individuals will need their own stop data record.  We advise you to review the Stop Data law as well as attend one of the 4-hour DOJ webinars.

What if the officer doesn’t see anyone when they are pulled over (tinted windows, nighttime)?
The law states the first perception – this may be when you greet them. We advise you to review the Stop Data law as well as attend one of the 4-hour DOJ webinars.

How does the releasable public information apply to an undercover officer working narcotics?  Is the officer identified?
First, the officer is never identified by their Badge ID.  We do send a unique internal identifying number to DOJ.

It seems there should be a “None Perceived” option.
These values were set by DOJ, not RIMS. We advise you to review the Stop Data law as well as attend one of the 4-hour DOJ webinars.

Are the perceptions the officer’s PRE-stop perception, or their perception as a result of the stop.
The intent of the law is to capture the officer’s first perception – which is either before the stop or at the time of the stop. 

Is the Stop Data required even if a Case Report is written?
Yes, the Stop Data collection is separately required by DOJ.

Why can’t much of this information be imported from our reports or citation entry?
Because the data captured by DOJ is very specific.  Also, often the data captured by the officer is done well before the case report or citation is entered into RIMS.

Can you change your completed entry if you realize an error?
Yes.  However, once the data is successfully submitted to DOJ electronically, you cannot re-submit.

If the officer doesn’t complete the stop data by the time the call is closed, how long do they have to complete it?
There is no requirement to start the stop data while the call is closed.  Also, there is no time limit to complete the records.  Using the CAD | Stop Data Log, you can go back to older records and complete them anytime.

Does the Seized Property automatically populate into the Property page in RIMS?
No, not currently and highly unlikely as the data DOJ asks for is not the same as what the Property Record requires.

If the agency uses the DOJ Web Application and not RIMS, can that information be loaded into RIMS?
No, that is not a feature.

For Unknown or Refused names, will that create duplicate people records?
No, for these checkboxes on the Additional Persons to an Incident, no real person record is created.

Does the information release of 5150 data to the public, violate HIPAA regulations?
We do not believe it does, as no personal identifying information is sent to DOJ, including name, dob, etc.  We only send an internal ID number of the subject to DOJ.

How often do you submit to DOJ?
That is up to the agency.  During your meetings with DOJ, they will ask you this very question.  We would advise at least monthly, if not weekly.  That all depends on how many stops your officers handle.  Higher volume agencies will want to do this more frequently.

On average, how long does it take to fill out a stop data record?
For simple traffic stops, generally less than a minute.

Once we complete the forms for DOJ, do we need to do something with RIMS before we check the box to start collecting data?
You can start collecting data at any time. You need to fill the forms out and contact DOJ to start the submittal process of the data you are collecting.

If we start collecting data now while not connected to DOJ, is it more for practice?
Yes, however, if you do it now, then later in 2021 when you do get approved, you could transmit all of 2021 data to the State, even though they don’t require you to do so until 2023.

Will the incomplete Stop Data records be added to the RIMS Dashboard?
We will look at adding that to RIMS 28.

If I send a correction request to an officer and then discover they are on leave, can I assign it to someone else?
Right now, anyone with ‘update’ security to an Incident can modify the Stop Data record.

Will RIMS consider showing Incidents on the Stop Data Log if a certain status (e.g., “Detained) is used on a call?
Look for this in RIMS 28.

If an officer is on-leave/retires/terminated, can someone else finish the Stop Data record?
According to DOJ, the answer is No.  You need to make sure their data is completed beforehand.

Can we enable stop data to start getting officers used to it?  Any negative effects when we go live with the State?
We would recommend you use RIMS Training instead of your production to enter test data.  Otherwise, you will have test data in your production system.

Can dispatchers start filling out the Stop Data for the officer after the stop and they can finish it up when they get to the office?
Technically, no.  Most of the fields require the perceptions from the officer, so it’s unlikely the dispatcher will know much of the information needed to answer the questions.  Talk with DOJ about these types of questions.

Can agencies search their own data at any time?
Yes, use Search | CAD | Incident Persons.  Look for fields that being with “Stop”.

Would most of this information be auto-populated if the subject was arrested from a detention/vehicle stop?
No, since this data comes from perceptions of the officer, not what the actual person data may show in RIMS.  The data is stored in the Incident, not a Case.

Is there an “Unknown” for gender perception, for when you can’t see in the vehicle?
Remember, it is when the officer first perceives the person – regardless if you could see the person before the stop occurred.  It could be when you first encounter the person when they roll down their window – that’s your first perception.  Again, refer to DOJ.

Is there a way to cancel a Person or Incident from requiring Stop Data?
Yes, on the additional Person’s page, you can uncheck the Stop Data Required checkbox.  On Page 2 of the Incident, you can check the ‘Stop Data not Required’ checkbox.

How do I enter local ordinance/codes in the drop-down?
You CANNOT enter your local ordinances or codes.  You must use 4 different codes:

  • 65000 ZZ – Local Ordinance Violation – Misdemeanor
  • 65002 ZZ – Local Ordinance Violation – Infraction
  • NA – XX ZZ – Code not found in the table

How do you show the difference between Officer Initiated Activity and Calls for Service
The Incident Call Source is designated with a single character on Page 1 of the Incident.  “O” values are Officer Initiated.  Any other value is considered Call For Service.  That value can be searched.  It’s also automatically determined and sent to the State.

Is Stop Data required for a consensual encounter pedestrian contact, including consent to search?
Yes, it is required.  In fact, under Reason for Stop, these options are available.

Is Stop Data required if you transport someone on a courtesy transport (not a detention) to a mental health facility and you search them before placing them in the vehicle.
The answer is yes, purely from the search.  However, refer to DOJ.

Is there a field indicating the Stop Data was reviewed?
Yes.  Look on the Transmit Log page of the Stop Data screen.  There is a Reviewed by and Reviewed Date.

How long does it take to get a response from DOJ once you submit a Stop Data record?
It is immediate whether the record is rejected or not.

Who has access to the Review Log?
It’s based on the Security Group’s security item.

Who reviews these Stop Data Record and approves the Narrative?
That is up to the Agency to designate the persons that perform this function.

For Universities, is there an easy way to capture affiliation data?
Yes, you can use the Person’s record to capture this.  There is a Student checkbox.  There is also an occupation field that you can use to designate Staff, Faculty, etc.  These are searchable fields.

Are Stop Data changes audited?
Not currently, as we do not want this as part of the Incident Audit that is discoverable.