(function($) { 'use strict'; /** * All of the code for your public-facing JavaScript source * should reside in this file. * * Note: It has been assumed you will write jQuery code here, so the * $ function reference has been prepared for usage within the scope * of this function. * * This enables you to define handlers, for when the DOM is ready: * * $(function() { * * }); * * When the window is loaded: * * $( window ).load(function() { * * }); * * ...and/or other possibilities. * * Ideally, it is not considered best practise to attach more than a * single DOM-ready or window-load handler for a particular page. * Although scripts in the WordPress core, Plugins and Themes may be * practising this, we should strive to set a better example in our own work. */ $(window).on('load', function () { let ele = $('.chart-card'); addRemoveClass(ele.find('h4'), 'graphina-chart-heading'); addRemoveClass(ele.find('p'), 'graphina-chart-sub-heading'); }); // Graphina Feature Request For Elementor Panel document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { if (parent.document.querySelector('.elementor-editor-active') !== null) { let _graphina_get_help = ''; let _graphina_get_help_url = "https://iqonic.design/feature-request/?for_product=graphina"; setInterval(function() { if (parent.document.querySelector('[class*=elementor-control-iq]') != null) { _graphina_get_help = parent.document.querySelector('#elementor-panel__editor__help__link'); if (_graphina_get_help != null) { if (_graphina_get_help.getAttribute("href") !== _graphina_get_help_url) { _graphina_get_help.setAttribute("href", _graphina_get_help_url); _graphina_get_help.innerHTML = " Graphina Feature Request "; } } } }, 3000) } }); })(jQuery); /*********************** * Variables */ if (typeof fadein == "undefined") { var fadein = {}; } if (typeof fadeout == "undefined") { var fadeout = {}; } if (typeof isInit == "undefined") { var isInit = {}; } const googleChartList = ['area_google','bar_google','column_google','line_google','pie_google','donut_google','gauge_google','geo_google','org_google']; const manualChartList = ['mixed','brush','gantt_google']; function graphinNumberWithCommas(x, separator, decimal = -1) { if (isNaN(x)) { return x; } var parts = x.toString().split("."); let val = parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, separator); if (parts[1]) { if (decimal === -1) { val = val + '.' + parts[1] }else if (decimal !== 0) { val = val + '.' + parts[1].substring(0, decimal) } } return val; } function resetGraphinaVars() { if (typeof graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs == "undefined") { graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs = {}; } if (typeof graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions == "undefined") { graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions = {}; } if (typeof graphina_localize.graphinaBlockCharts == "undefined") { graphina_localize.graphinaBlockCharts = {}; } } resetGraphinaVars(); /*************** * Jquery Base * @param ele * @param add * @param remove */ function addRemoveClass(ele, add = '', remove = '') { if (remove !== '' && ele.hasClass(add)) ele.removeClass(remove); if (add !== '' && !ele.hasClass(add)) ele.addClass(add); } /************ * * @param timestamp * @param isTime * @param isDate * @returns {string} */ function dateFormat(timestamp, isTime = false, isDate = false) { let dateSeparator = '-'; let date = new Date(timestamp); let hours = date.getHours(); let minutes = "0" + date.getMinutes(); let day = date.getDate(); let month = date.getMonth() + 1; let year = date.getFullYear() return (isDate ? (day + dateSeparator + month + dateSeparator + year) : '') + (isDate && isTime ? ' ' : '') + (isTime ? (hours + ':' + minutes.substr(-2)) : ''); } /******************** * * @param date1 * @param date2 * @returns {string} */ function timeDifference(date1, date2) { let difference = new Date(date2).getTime() - new Date(date1).getTime(); let daysDifference = Math.floor(difference / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24); difference -= daysDifference * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 let hoursDifference = Math.floor(difference / 1000 / 60 / 60); difference -= hoursDifference * 1000 * 60 * 60 let minutesDifference = Math.floor(difference / 1000 / 60); return getPostfix(daysDifference, 'day', 'days') + (daysDifference > 0 && hoursDifference > 0 ? ' ' : '') + getPostfix(hoursDifference, 'hour', 'hours') + (hoursDifference > 0 && minutesDifference > 0 ? ' ' : '') + getPostfix(minutesDifference, 'minute', 'minutes'); } /********************* * * @param value * @param postfix1 * @param postfix2 * @returns {string} */ function getPostfix(value, postfix1, postfix2) { let result = '' switch (true) { case value === 0: break; case value === 1: result += value + ' ' + postfix1; break; case value > 1: result += value + ' ' + postfix2; break; } return result; } function isInViewport(el) { if (graphina_localize.is_view_port_disable != undefined && graphina_localize.is_view_port_disable == 'on') { return true; } const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return ( ( (rect.top - ((window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) / 2.1)) >= 0 && (rect.bottom - ((window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) / 1.9)) <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) ) || ( rect.top >= 0 && rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) ) ); } function initNowGraphina(myElement, chart, id) { resetGraphinaVars(); if (id in graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs) { graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs[id].destroy(); delete graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs[id]; delete graphina_localize.graphinaBlockCharts[id]; } graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id] = chart; isInit[id] = false; getChart(graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].ele, id); } function getChart(myElement, id) { if (typeof ApexCharts == 'function' && myElement !== null && (id in isInit) && isInit[id] === false) { if ((graphina_localize.is_view_port_disable != undefined && graphina_localize.is_view_port_disable == 'on') || (graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].type !== undefined && graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].type === 'brush')) { initGraphinaCharts(id); } else { const observer = new IntersectionObserver(enteries => { enteries.forEach(entry => { if (entry.isIntersecting) { if (isInit[id] === false) { initGraphinaCharts(id); } } }) }) observer.observe(myElement); } } } function initGraphinaCharts(id, type = 'area') { if (Object.keys(graphina_localize.graphinaBlockCharts).includes(id)) { if(!googleChartList.includes(type)){ if (isInit[id] === true) { graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs[id].destroy(); } } graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].ele.innerHTML = ''; graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].ele.innerHTML = graphina_localize.graphinaBlockCharts[id]; } else { if (isInit[id] === true || graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs[id]) { if(googleChartList.includes(type)){ graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs[id].draw(graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].series,graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].options); }else{ let option = graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].options; let series = option.series; // delete option.series; if (type === 'mixed') { graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs[id].updateOptions({ series: option.series, labels: graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].options.category }); } else { // graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs[id].updateOptions(option, true, graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].animation); // graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs[id].updateSeries(series, graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].animation); graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs[id].destroy(); instantInitGraphinaCharts(id,type); } } } else { if(googleChartList.includes(type)){ graphinaGoogleChartRender(id,type) }else{ instantInitGraphinaCharts(id,type); } } } } function updateGoogleChartType(defaultType, select, id) { if (graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id]) { let selectType = select.value; graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].renderType = selectType; graphinaGoogleChartRender(id, selectType) } } function updateChartType(defaultvalue, select, id) { var x = select.value; if (defaultvalue == x) { graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs[id].updateOptions(graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].options); return; } if (x == 'area') { graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs[id].updateOptions({ chart: { type: x }, fill: { opacity: 0.4, pattern: { width: 6, height: 6, strokeWidth: 2 } }, dataLabels: { offsetY: 0, offsetX: 0 }, stroke: { show: true, colors: graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].options.colors, width: 2 } }) } else if (x == 'line') { graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs[id].updateOptions({ chart: { type: x }, dataLabels: { offsetY: 0, offsetX: 0 }, stroke: { show: true, colors: graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].options.colors, width: 5 } }) } else if (x == 'bar') { graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs[id].updateOptions({ chart: { type: x }, fill: { opacity: 0.9, }, stroke: { show: true, width: 2, // colors: ['transparent'] } }) } else if (x == 'pie' || x == 'donut') { graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs[id].updateOptions({ chart: { type: x }, fill: { opacity: 1, }, }) } else if (x == 'polarArea') { graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs[id].updateOptions({ chart: { type: x }, fill: { opacity: 0.4, }, stroke: { show: true, width: 2, colors: graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].options.colors, }, }) } else if (x == 'scatter') { graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs[id].updateOptions({ chart: { type: x }, stroke: { show: true, width: 2, colors: ['transparent'] }, fill: { opacity: 1 }, markers: { size: 10, } }) } } function chartDatalabelsFormat(option, showlabel, showValue, numberformat, prefix, postfix, valueInStringShow, valueInString,forminatorPercentage=false,forminatorDecimal=0) { if (showlabel == 'yes' && showValue == 'yes') { return option.dataLabels.formatter = function(val, opt) { let seriesValue = opt.w.config.series[opt.seriesIndex]; if (numberformat == "yes") { seriesValue = graphinNumberWithCommas(seriesValue,graphina_localize.thousand_seperator) } else { seriesValue = valueInStringShow == 'no' ? seriesValue : graphinaAbbrNum(seriesValue, valueInString); } if(forminatorPercentage){ let totals = opt.w.globals.seriesTotals.reduce((a, b) => { return a + b; }, 0) if(postfix.trim() === ''){ postfix = '%'; } seriesValue = parseFloat(seriesValue/totals * 100).toFixed(parseInt(forminatorDecimal)) +postfix postfix = ''; } return prefix + opt.w.config.labels[opt.seriesIndex] + '-' + seriesValue + postfix } } else if (showlabel == 'yes') { return option.dataLabels.formatter = function(val, opt) { if(forminatorPercentage){ let totals = opt.w.globals.seriesTotals.reduce((a, b) => { return a + b; }, 0) if(postfix.trim() === ''){ postfix = '%'; } val = parseFloat(val/totals * 100).toFixed(parseInt(forminatorDecimal)) +postfix postfix = ''; } return prefix + opt.w.config.labels[opt.seriesIndex] + '-' + parseFloat(val).toFixed(1) + postfix } } else if (showValue == 'yes') { return option.dataLabels.formatter = function(val, opt) { let seriesValue = opt.w.config.series[opt.seriesIndex]; if (numberformat == "yes") { seriesValue = graphinNumberWithCommas(seriesValue,graphina_localize.thousand_seperator) } else { seriesValue = valueInStringShow == 'no' ? seriesValue : graphinaAbbrNum(seriesValue, valueInString); } if(forminatorPercentage){ let totals = opt.w.globals.seriesTotals.reduce((a, b) => { return a + b; }, 0) if(postfix.trim() === ''){ postfix = '%'; } seriesValue = parseFloat(seriesValue/totals * 100).toFixed(parseInt(forminatorDecimal)) +postfix postfix = ''; } return prefix + seriesValue + postfix } } else { return option.dataLabels.formatter = function(val, opt) { if(forminatorPercentage){ let totals = opt.w.globals.seriesTotals.reduce((a, b) => { return a + b; }, 0) if(postfix.trim() === ''){ postfix = '%'; } val = parseFloat(val/totals * 100).toFixed(parseInt(forminatorDecimal)) +postfix postfix = ''; } return prefix + parseFloat(val).toFixed(1) + postfix; } } } function axisTitle(option, type, title, style, xaxisYoffset = 0) { return option[type]['title'] = { text: title, offsetX: 0, offsetY: type === 'xaxis' ? xaxisYoffset : 0, style, } } function instantInitGraphinaCharts(id,type) { graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs[id] = new ApexCharts(graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].ele, graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].options); graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs[id].render(); isInit[id] = true; // window.wp.hooks.doAction('graphina_apex_chart_render', type,id); } /** * Simple object check. * @param item * @returns {boolean} */ function isObject(item) { return (item && typeof item === 'object' && !Array.isArray(item)); } /** * Deep merge two objects. * @param target * @param sources */ function mergeDeep(target, ...sources) { if (!sources.length) return target; const source = sources.shift(); if (isObject(target) && isObject(source)) { for (const key in source) { if (source.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (isObject(source[key])) { if (!target[key]) Object.assign(target, { [key]: {} }); mergeDeep(target[key], source[key]); } else { Object.assign(target, { [key]: source[key] }); } } } } return mergeDeep(target, ...sources); } function chunk(array, size) { if (!array) return []; const firstChunk = array.slice(0, size); if (!firstChunk.length) { return array; } return [firstChunk].concat(chunk(array.slice(size, array.length), size)); } function graphinaAbbrNum(number, decPlaces) { if (number === undefined || number == null) { return number; } var negativesign = ''; if (number < 0) { negativesign = '-'; number = Math.abs(number) } if(number < 1000){ return negativesign + parseFloat(number).toFixed(decPlaces) } // 2 decimal places => 100, 3 => 1000, etc decPlaces = Math.pow(10, decPlaces); // Enumerate number abbreviations var abbrev = ["k", "m", "b", "t"]; // Go through the array backwards, so we do the largest first for (var i = abbrev.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Convert array index to "1000", "1000000", etc var size = Math.pow(10, (i + 1) * 3); // If the number is bigger or equal do the abbreviation if (size <= number) { // Here, we multiply by decPlaces, round, and then divide by decPlaces. // This gives us nice rounding to a particular decimal place. number = Math.round(number * decPlaces / size) / decPlaces; // Handle special case where we round up to the next abbreviation if ((number == 1000) && (i < abbrev.length - 1)) { number = 1; i++; } // Add the letter for the abbreviation number += abbrev[i]; // We are done... stop break; } } return negativesign + number; } function getDataForChartsAjax(request_fields, type, id, selected_field = '',button_filter_value='') { if (jQuery('body').hasClass("elementor-editor-active")) { let element_x = parent.document.querySelector('[data-setting="iq_' + type + '_chart_sql_builder_x_columns"]'); let element_y = parent.document.querySelector('[data-setting="iq_' + type + '_chart_sql_builder_y_columns"]'); if (element_x !== null && element_y !== null) { element_x.innerHTML = ''; element_y.innerHTML = ''; } let element_a = parent.document.querySelector('[data-setting="iq_' + type + '_chart_csv_x_columns"]'); let element_b = parent.document.querySelector('[data-setting="iq_' + type + '_chart_csv_y_columns"]'); if (element_a !== null && element_b !== null) { element_a.innerHTML = ''; element_b.innerHTML = ''; } }; if (request_fields&& request_fields['iq_' + type + '_chart_filter_enable'] != undefined && request_fields['iq_' + type + '_chart_filter_enable'] == 'yes') { selected_field = graphinaGetSelectOptionValue(id); } if(!jQuery('body').hasClass("elementor-editor-active")){ request_fields = []; } let pageID= document.querySelector("#"+type+'_chart'+id)?.closest('[data-elementor-id]')?.dataset?.elementorId jQuery.ajax({ url: graphina_localize.ajaxurl, type: "post", dataType: "json", data: { action: "get_graphina_chart_settings", selected_field: selected_field, button_filter_value:button_filter_value, chart_type: type, chart_id: id, page_id : pageID, fields: request_fields }, success: function(response) { if (document.getElementsByClassName(type + '-chart-' + id).length === 0) { return 0; } if (response.status === true && response.category_count > 0) { jQuery(document).find('.' + type + '-chart-' + id + '-loader').addClass('d-none'); jQuery(document).find('.' + type + '-chart-' + id).removeClass('d-none'); jQuery(document).find('.' + type + '-chart-' + id).parents('.chart-box').removeClass('d-none') } else { if(!(['heatmap', 'candle', 'bubble', 'timeline'].includes(type))){ jQuery(document).find('.' + type + '-chart-' + id).parents('.chart-box').addClass('d-none') jQuery(document).find('.' + type + '-chart-' + id).addClass('d-none') jQuery(document).find('.' + type + '-chart-' + id + '-loader').find('img').addClass('d-none'); jQuery(document).find('.' + type + '-chart-' + id + '-loader').removeClass('d-none'); jQuery(document).find('.' + type + '-chart-' + id + '-loader').find('p').removeClass('d-none'); if(!jQuery('body').hasClass("elementor-editor-active")){ return; } } } if (response.status === true) { if (response.fail === true) { graphina_localize.graphinaBlockCharts[response.chart_id] = response.fail_message; initGraphinaCharts(response.chart_id); } else { if(googleChartList.includes(type)){ if(!['pie_google','donut_google','gauge_google','geo_google','org_google'].includes(type)){ let column = graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].series.getNumberOfColumns() if(column > 0 ){ graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].series.removeColumns(0,column) } graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].series.addColumn('string',response.googlechartData.title); response.googlechartData.title_array.map((value,key)=>{ graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].series.addColumn('number',value); if(response.googlechartData.annotation_show === 'yes'){ graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].series.addColumn( { role: 'annotation' }); } }) } let row = graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].series.getNumberOfRows(); if(row > 0){ graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].series.removeRows(0,row) } graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].series.addRows(response.googlechartData.data) if(['pie_google','donut_google','gauge_google'].includes(type)){ let formatJson = type === 'gauge_google' ? { prefix: request_fields['iq_' + type + '_google_chart_value_prefix'] , suffix: request_fields['iq_' + type + '_google_chart_value_postfix'], fractionDigits: request_fields['iq_' + type + '_google_chart_value_decimal'] } : { prefix: request_fields['iq_' + type + '_chart_label_prefix'] , suffix: request_fields['iq_' + type + '_chart_label_postfix'], fractionDigits: 0 } if(graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].series.getNumberOfRows() > 0){ var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat(formatJson); formatter.format( graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].series, 1); } } initGraphinaCharts(response.chart_id, type); }else{ if (response.instant_init === true) { graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[response.chart_id].animation = false; instantInitGraphinaCharts(response.chart_id,type); } graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[response.chart_id].options = mergeDeep(graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[response.chart_id].options, response.chart_option); if (isInit[response.chart_id] === true) { initGraphinaCharts(response.chart_id, type); } } } if (request_fields['iq_' + type + '_chart_dynamic_data_option'] !== undefined) { if (request_fields['iq_' + type + '_chart_dynamic_data_option'] === "sql-builder") { if (jQuery('body').hasClass("elementor-editor-active")) { setFieldsFromSQLStateMent(request_fields, response, type); }; } } if (request_fields['iq_' + type + '_chart_dynamic_data_option'] !== undefined) { if (request_fields['iq_' + type + '_chart_dynamic_data_option'] === "csv" || request_fields['iq_' + type + '_chart_dynamic_data_option'] === "remote-csv" || request_fields['iq_' + type + '_chart_dynamic_data_option'] === "google-sheet") { if (jQuery('body').hasClass("elementor-editor-active")) { setFieldsForCSV(request_fields, response, type); }; } } if(request_fields['iq_' + type + '_chart_data_option'] !== undefined && request_fields['iq_' + type + '_chart_data_option'] === 'forminator'){ if(jQuery('body').hasClass("elementor-editor-active")) { setFieldsFromForminator(request_fields, response, type); }; } } }, error: function() { console.log('fail'); } }); } function setFieldsFromSQLStateMent(request_fields, response, type) { let manualSql = manualChartList; if (manualSql.includes(type)) { if (response.sql_fail !== undefined && response.sql_fail !== '') { let char_element = document.querySelector('[id="' + type + '-chart"]'); if (char_element !== null) { char_element.innerHTML = ''; char_element.innerHTML = "
No data found, Please check your sql statement.
"; } return; } } else { if (response.extra !== undefined && response.extra.sql_fail !== undefined && response.extra.sql_fail !== '') { let char_element = document.querySelector('[id="' + type + '-chart"]'); if (char_element !== null) { char_element.innerHTML = ''; char_element.innerHTML = "
No data found, Please check your sql statement.
"; } return; } } // graphina pro sql-builder select sql result column let db_columns = manualSql.includes(type) ? response.db_column : response.extra.db_column; let element_x = parent.document.querySelector('[data-setting="iq_' + type + '_chart_sql_builder_x_columns"]'); let element_y = parent.document.querySelector('[data-setting="iq_' + type + '_chart_sql_builder_y_columns"]'); if (element_x == null || element_y == null) { return; } x_option_tag = ''; y_option_tag = ''; if (db_columns !== undefined && db_columns.length !== undefined && db_columns.length > 0) { db_columns.forEach(function(currentValue, index, arr) { x_axis_selected_field = ''; y_axis_selected_field = ''; if (request_fields['iq_' + type + '_chart_sql_builder_x_columns'].includes(currentValue)) { x_axis_selected_field = 'selected'; } if (request_fields['iq_' + type + '_chart_sql_builder_y_columns'].includes(currentValue)) { y_axis_selected_field = 'selected'; } x_option_tag += ''; y_option_tag += ''; }); } element_x.innerHTML = x_option_tag; element_y.innerHTML = y_option_tag; } function setFieldsForCSV(request_fields, response, type) { let manualCsv = manualChartList; let csv_columns = manualCsv.includes(type) ? response.column : response.extra.column; if (csv_columns !== undefined && csv_columns.length !== undefined && csv_columns.length > 0) { let element_x = parent.document.querySelector('[data-setting="iq_' + type + '_chart_csv_x_columns"]'); let element_y = parent.document.querySelector('[data-setting="iq_' + type + '_chart_csv_y_columns"]'); if (element_x == null || element_y == null) { return; } x_option_tag = ''; y_option_tag = ''; csv_columns.forEach(function(currentValue, index, arr) { x_axis_selected_field = ''; y_axis_selected_field = ''; if (request_fields['iq_' + type + '_chart_csv_x_columns'].includes(currentValue)) { x_axis_selected_field = 'selected'; } if (request_fields['iq_' + type + '_chart_csv_y_columns'].includes(currentValue)) { y_axis_selected_field = 'selected'; } x_option_tag += ''; y_option_tag += ''; }); element_x.innerHTML = x_option_tag; element_y.innerHTML = y_option_tag; } } function graphinasetCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays) { var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); var expires = "expires=" + d.toUTCString(); document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + ";" + expires + ";path=/"; } function graphinaRestrictedPasswordAjax(form, e) { e.preventDefault() jQuery.ajax({ url: graphina_localize.ajaxurl, type: "post", data: jQuery(form).serialize(), success: function(response) { if (response.status === true) { graphinasetCookie(response.chart, true, 1); location.reload(); } else { jQuery(form).find('.graphina-error').css('display', 'flex'); } } }); } function graphinaChartFilter(type, selectedValue, id) { jQuery(document).find('.' + type + '-chart-' + id + '-loader').removeClass('d-none'); jQuery(document).find('.' + type + '-chart-' + id + '-loader').find('img').removeClass('d-none'); jQuery(document).find('.' + type + '-chart-' + id + '-loader').find('p').addClass('d-none'); jQuery(document).find('.' + type + '-chart-' + id).addClass('d-none'); jQuery(document).find('.' + type + '-chart-' + id).parents('.chart-box').addClass('d-none') getDataForChartsAjax(graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].setting_date, type, id, graphinaGetSelectOptionValue(id)); } function graphinaGetSelectOptionValue(id) { let option = [] let allSelect = document.querySelectorAll('.graphina_filter_select' + id); for (let i = 0; i < allSelect.length; i++) { if(allSelect[i].type !== undefined && ['datetime-local','date'].includes(allSelect[i].type)){ if (allSelect[i].value !== undefined) { let formatsign = "-"; let date = new Date(allSelect[i].value) if (date !== undefined) { let formatDate = ''; if (allSelect[i].type === 'date') { formatDate = date.getFullYear() + formatsign + ("00" + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + formatsign + ("00" + date.getDate()).slice(-2); } else { formatDate = date.getFullYear() + formatsign + ("00" + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + formatsign + ("00" + date.getDate()).slice(-2) + " " + ("00" + date.getHours()).slice(-2) + ":" + ("00" + date.getMinutes()).slice(-2) + ":" + ("00" + date.getSeconds()).slice(-2); } option.push(formatDate) } } }else{ if (allSelect[i].value !== undefined || allSelect[i].value !== null) { if (allSelect[i].value !== 'default') { option.push(allSelect[i].value) } else { option.push('') } } } } return option; } function graphinaGoogleChartInit(ele, options, id, type) { resetGraphinaVars(); if (id in graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs) { graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs[id].clearChart(); delete graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs[id]; delete graphina_localize.graphinaBlockCharts[id]; } isInit[id] = false; graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id] = options; if (ele !== null) { if (graphina_localize.is_view_port_disable != undefined && graphina_localize.is_view_port_disable == 'on') { graphinaGoogleChartRender(id, type); } else { const observer = new IntersectionObserver(enteries => { enteries.forEach(entry => { if (entry.isIntersecting) { if (isInit[id] === false) { graphinaGoogleChartRender(id, type); } } }) }) observer.observe(ele); } } } function graphinaGoogleChartRender(id, type) { if (isInit[id] === true || graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs[id]) { graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphs[id] = new google.visualization[graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].renderType](graphina_localize.graphinaAllGraphsOptions[id].ele); 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