window.asgaros = window.asgaros || {}; (function(asgaros, $) { var mentionsQueryCache = []; // Adds @mentions to form inputs. $.fn.suggestions = function() { var opts = { at: '@', delay: 200, displayTpl: '
  • @${ID}${name}
  • ', hideWithoutSuffix: true, insertTpl: '@${ID}', limit: 10, searchKey: 'ID', startWithSpace: false, suffix: '', callbacks: { remoteFilter: function(query, render_view) { // Cancel if query-string is empty. if (!query) { return; } // Try to get matches from cache first. var mentionsItem = mentionsQueryCache[query]; if (typeof mentionsItem === 'object') { render_view(mentionsItem); return; } // If no matches available, do a request. $.ajax({ url: wpApiSettings.root+'asgaros-forum/v1/suggestions/mentioning/'+query, method: 'POST', data: { topicid: wpApiSettings.topicid } }) .done(function(response) { if (response.status === true) { mentionsQueryCache[query] =; render_view(; } }); }, beforeReposition: function(offset) { var caret; var line; var iframeOffset; var move; var $view = $('#atwho-ground-'' .atwho-view'); var $body = $('body'); var atwhoDataValue = this.$'atwho'); if ('undefined' !== atwhoDataValue && 'undefined' !== atwhoDataValue.iframe && null !== atwhoDataValue.iframe) { caret = this.$inputor.caret('offset', { iframe: atwhoDataValue.iframe }); // Caret.js no longer calculates iframe caret position from the window (it's now just within the iframe). // We need to get the iframe offset from the window and merge that into our object. iframeOffset = $(atwhoDataValue.iframe).offset(); if ('undefined' !== iframeOffset) { caret.left += iframeOffset.left; +=; } } else { caret = this.$inputor.caret('offset'); } // If the caret is past horizontal half, then flip it, yo if (caret.left > ($body.width() / 2)) { $view.addClass('right'); move = caret.left - offset.left - this.view.$el.width(); } else { $view.removeClass('right'); move = caret.left - offset.left + 1; } // If we're on a small screen, scroll to caret if ($body.width() <= 400) { $(document).scrollTop( - 6); } // New position is under the caret (never above) and positioned to follow // Dynamic sizing based on the input area (remove 'px' from end) line = parseInt(this.$inputor.css('line-height').substr(0, this.$inputor.css('line-height').length - 2), 10); if (!line || line < 5) { // sanity check, and catch no line-height line = 19; } = + line; offset.left += move; } }, functionOverrides: { // Override default behaviour which inserts junk tags in the WordPress Visual editor. insert: function(content, $li) { data = $'item-data'); this.query.el.removeAttr('class').html(content).attr('contenteditable', "false"); if (!this.$':focus')) { this.$inputor.focus(); } return this.$inputor.change(); } } }; return $, opts); }; asgaros.suggestions_initialize = function() { if (typeof window.tinyMCE === 'undefined' || window.tinyMCE.activeEditor === null || typeof window.tinyMCE.activeEditor === 'undefined') { return; } else { $(window.tinyMCE.activeEditor.contentDocument.activeElement).atwho('setIframe', $('.wp-editor-wrap iframe')[0]).suggestions(); } }; })(asgaros, jQuery);